
Showing posts from December, 2018

Something for the First Time

“How cruel this season of unrest!” I reflected. Day in day out - the jarring sounds of catastrophic sirens, heinous carnage flooding the television screens, flashing images of mutilated bodies at every second scroll and those of disgraced selves at every third tap – the sorry state of humanity, it had my creativity enslaved. This demise of human virtue was broken one fine evening, as I was browsing through some art, by a promising pop up of a philanthropic organization. There are several academic institutions in our community, but there is hardly any that offers education and counselling to those deprived many who occupy the urban slums. I was destined to be a part of the movement; I urged to share my two cents. My orientation at “The Citizens’ Foundation” was less insightful than I had imagined. The primary concepts were laid by the speakers in a rather well articulated but somewhat rugged manner. There was plenty left for the future sessions, which at that particular point I s