Date Advisor - a Second person perspective

Who reflects in the mirror when you stand in front of it? A dentist! Not worthy of that title, as we see you not practicing with any dexterity. An artist perhaps! When was the last time you painted a piece that was worth so much so as glancing at? A writer then! Dr. Gerald, you fail to articulate in convincing words a heartfelt emotion in front of your own family, how likely are you to compose an original work worth reading by the multitude. And yet, such superego!

If the Providence makes a lowlife like your narcissistic unsuccessful self sit face to face with a blue stocking, take that as an opportunity never to waste. The probability of that happening is close to zero. So very close, you believed it was zero. Perhaps that is the reason why you wasted this one opportunity that was staring you right in the face a week back. A week back, really! And now you decide to share the story. It never occurred to you - while you rambled on day after another about all the cuisines you stuffed in your bulging tummy, and the same patients with the same conditions day after another who were unfortunate enough to step into your clinic, and books you ended up getting your hands on day in day out which were rejected even by the community college libraries - that you should share this? This mirror of yours has been lying to you a little over three decades already. About time for it to be replaced by an honest living human being, who despite of your idiocy, futility and self-denial is willing to actually help you. And no, flatter yourself not, it is not because of any good that has come out of you. It is due to the sorry fact that this ingenuous, cerebral and charismatic demi-god happens to be your fraternal twin. Irony of nature!

Now this is how the story shall unveil. You shall be leaving a text for Ms. Gretchen on Tuesday, two days from today. No, you shall not be sending this text earlier. If you send it now, at the weekend, it shall be apparent that you are single, desperate and an absolute loner who never has a plan for the weekends. If you send it on Monday, she might get the impression that you had the most horrific company on Sunday and you are looking forward to changing that, again desperate. You send that anything after Thursday, it shall be obvious that you desire her for the upcoming weekend. So Tuesday, it shall be - your message to her.

You must be wondering now what you should compose for her, right! A general "it was nice meeting you!" would not suffice since you have taken way too long to write to her. And no, your interest in arts and philosophy would not be an appropriate ice breaker either. You are going to tell her that it was the patient load that kept you from speaking to her earlier. Follow this then by a meaningful event that reminded you of her. So if I follow correctly she did mention her political disagreement with the Republicans and how she finds it absurd to acknowledge Trump as the US president. Mention to her how you decided to step into the Women's march and how the feminism manifesting at the Grand Central reminded you of her. Tell her that you feel alienated in your skin at these testing times and wish for her to accompany you for some drinks.

And lastly, but for some absurd reason, most importantly, how should you send it? Are you wondering whether your words should flow better through a direct sms, a whatsapp text, a snapchat disappearing message, a facebook desperate cry for help, an instagram aesthetic mourn or a line at "Line"? Well, here's the deal. Say no to facebook messenger. A girl is likely to classify you as a stalker who must have gone through her facebook profile before texting her, and no, we don't want you to have that image. Say no to snapchat since it starts with a disappearing message followed later by some inappropriate images and a girl with brains would disapprove of it unless you have been dating her for at least a week or two. No to line, duhh ... you are not an Asian! And since whatsapp sounds cheap since it is free - you choose an sms, which is also free but we lived through the 90s and we know how it used to be expensive, the thought of exclusivity is deep-rooted and hence makes an sms a preferred means of text messaging.


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