Self Perpetuating Compromise

"How many years has it been?"

"Almost twenty five"

"And how long has it been that we spooned?"

"Twenty three ... long years"

"Why did you marry me?"

"It was a difficult multiple choice question, I had to choose the most appropriate option. Hence, you"


"I ruined your life"

"Why would you think that?"

"Do you love me?"

"I adore the way you garnish a breakfast platter for me and the kids every morning, and force us to eat against our will"

"Do you love me?"

"I feel affection for your manicured fingers that fold my laundry to perfection, without me asking, and tantalize me with a new scent in them every other week"

"Do you love me?"

"I cherish the drops of heaven that roll down your cheek when I prepare you for my approaching death"

"I ruined your life"

"Why would you think that?"

"Do you treasure me?"

"I appreciate the earnestness with which you organize our abode to perfection"

"Do you treasure me?"

"I value the zest with which you entertain the needs and unspoken legit desires of our children"

"Do you treasure me?"

"I acknowledge the sincerity with which you bind our families together"

"I ruined your life"

"Why would you think that?"

"Do you lust me?"

"I am enamoured by the scent that fragrances ever so timidly from the nape of your neck"

"Do you lust me?"

"I am enchanted by the gloss that rejuvenates your lips to ne plus ultra"

"Do you lust me?"

"I am enthralled by the silks that crease around your voluptuous contours"


"I ruined your life"

"Why would you think that?"



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